
I've been following your story. It's a painful thing to read about and I know the "wall" some educators can erect when they're being defensive. It's a wonderful thing you've done to take your ds out of that environment.

I agree with HK's and MON's versions. Both of them take the personal out of it and act as a warning to the school itself that they'd better get their act together. For whatever reason, they didn't have accommodations in place in time for your ds, and for whatever reason, they neglected to train and educate their teachers on how to deal with the dx and accommodations.

I understand your outrage. That teacher's mocking attitude is an absolute disgrace. But the school is only going to be moved by how it can affect them legally in the future. In your letter, pretend to be advocating for a child who is not your own. How would you proceed?

It's wonderful your ds is having fun with school at home.