Thank you all for the suggestions! We have read a few chapters of A Little Princess at night, and she enjoyed it, so we will definitely bridge to other classics. She loves the Pippi Longstocking movie, and Harry Potter is a family obsession, so those are others we will look at as well. I don't love reading aloud, and I'm mentally exhausted by her bedtime, so I'm going to have to build up my endurance! I found audiobook versions of the first few Harry Potters at a consignment store, so we may follow along together.

The public library is one of her favorite places because she loves books, but she gets overwhelmed by the choices so I try to narrow the field for her to choose. I grabbed a Katie Kazoo (glad for the warning re: redundancy) and the first Magic Treehouse book, and I can't wait to read them with her!

I appreciate the help and feedback from everyone. Like many others, I have lurked for a while and gained significant advice/affirmation from all of your experiences!