DD6 (Kindergarten-late birthday and rigid entrance regulation)had an appointment for psych evaluation this week, and while we will receive her results on Monday the psych indicated that she is dyslexic. This actually makes sense, because she LOVES to be read to but hems and haws when asked to read aloud. She worked on Reading Eggs this spring and summer, but has issues when she encounters words in a book that we *know* she can read on a flashcard. That is an entirely different post, though...

Right now we are searching for appropriate reading material. She owns a lot of beginning reader books, and she looks through them and reads them once or twice before she's done with them. Our assumption is that she memorizes the books after we read them aloud to her, and then practices reading them using context clues and guessing. When my husband or I read a bedtime story, she picks a book of fairy tales or a longer, more complex, book. She moved to a new school this year (private K-6) where she has library class on Thursdays, and she brought home a Littlest Pet Shop chapter book last week. I'm thrilled that she loves going to Library, and that her librarian let her pick a more complex book. This has caused a revelation for us: she enjoys books that she is not capable of reading to herself. To reiterate the fact she told me last night when I picked a beginning reader for us to read together ( http://www.amazon.com/Im-Going-Read...r=1-1&keywords=no+more+tv+sleepy+cat) that she "hates this book, it's too boring". She told me she would read it with me, but she still hates it. I'm a book lover, and I am so happy that she enjoys reading. I want to support her reading habit, so my questions are:

1. Is it typical for a child to love books that are above their "reading level"? She comprehends what is read to her; she gave my Mom an enthusiastic synopsis of each chapter of her Littlest Pet Shop book.

2. What books would you suggest that are on this book's level? She loved it so much that she brought it home again, because she said she couldn't find the next book in the series when she went to Library yesterday. Per Amazon, the recommended age is 7-10 and the grade level is 2-5.