I have been lurking on this site for a long time and have never posted, so I am not sure if this is where I should be posting, but here goes...

Leahchris, how is your experience homeschooling with the k12 public option going this year? I found out about the option in my state last week and am seriously considering it for my ds 7.5. I keep telling myself that I am crazy to even consider it...

My ds is in 2nd grade with an IEP and diagnosis of ASD, ADHD and DCD. Writing is an extreme challenge for him. He is also extremely bright and loves to learn. Thus far, we have focused on remediating his deficits. Since he was 3 he has received a host of therapies, including ABA, OT, PT, speech, social skills group and most recently VT.

We live in a rural area with no schooling options available to us. We have been fortunate that our school is extremely small, although class size is around 22, and supportive of our DS. However, resources are lacking. For example, his IEP calls for a classroom aide, which he had in kindergarten and 1st, but this year has not been in the classroom with him. To my ds credit he has been "getting through" the day. However, we want more for him than to simply "get through" his day. He has to have a screaming meltdown on the car ride home and is worn out. I did not realize until this year how much the "idea" of homework at the end of the day was stressing him out until this year on the day he didn't have any. He was so giddy and less stressed. After that I changed to a "morning review" for homework. The work isn't hard, except for spelling, just a challenge to sit down/get started and write. It is less than last year and primarily math.

Why am I considering k12 public option? He will still be able to receive spec ed services thru his school, OT and speech (for pragmatic issues and social skills one-on-one with another student). A classroom with 20+ students is not his ideal learning environment. My DH and I would like to build his self-esteem now (we saw a definite slip last year). We kind of feel like we are pounding a square peg in a round hole and saying, "Well, it kind of fits?!" Also, I am hoping it would provide me with an opportunity to work more on social and life-long skills. This is a big reason!

He is in cub scouts (I am assistant den leader), receives VT privately, we just started, and is in a social skills group once-a-month during the school year (weekly with ABA during the summer).

It has bothered me wondering if I am doing him a disservice by not focusing on his "need" to learn and explore, to delve deeper and ask/answer more questions. I have told myself that we have the weekends and summer to do that.

Sorry! I realize this is quite rambling and long. DH and I are going to have to make a decision on the k12 public option early this week, and I am really in turmoil. I love this site and although I haven't posted I highly value the input, experience and information users provide...thank you! Many evenings after DS has gone to bed this site has been a wonderful support. smile

Any input/thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
