So, after I hit the wrong button on my computer and deleted this post once, I will try again.

We are going to homeschool DGS7. We are going to try the free virtual K12 charter school in our state, at least for a while. I think they will be able to address his advanced learning needs while we still get the special services, like language training, that he needs with the AS, free of charge. It is not a perfect solution, but it is the best option at this point in our world. Also, being able to say his teacher assigned the work may make it a little easier. We will see.

I need advice on how to differentiate his giftedness and his AS. The Dev Ped says ADHD, ODD, SPD, and maybe CAPD and thinks he will outgrow the AS! Both psychs said no ADHD or it was subclinical to the AS! His OT sees AS and SPD, but not CAPD or ADHD. I think we need a multidisciplinary approach - can anyone recommend one? I have talked to the GDC in Denver several times, but am not sure if that is where we want to go. They do address kids spiritual questions, though and DGS has many deep spiritual questions.

We have had the paperwork for the charter school done for a while as our state requires all open transfers done in March. The decision was not actually made until yesterday. I spoke with his 1st grade teacher over the weekend, away from the school setting. Just like the principal, she couldn't recommend a good homeroom teacher for 2nd grade. His current teacher is extremely talented and flexible and tried to teach the paraprofessionals, speech therapists, etc, how to talk to DGS and how to teach him. I need a whole school full of teachers like her!

Short story - our local school cannot provide for him, and we are going to be even more frustrated if he stays. He has no friends, never gets asked to play and just doesn't get the whole social thing. The school has provided virtually no effective language or social training, although they technically meet the law.

OTOH, he made straight A's despite doing very little homework and missing a lot of school due to health issues. He made up 2 weeks worth of testing in 2 days on average. His teacher didn't make him do all the papers - he didn't need to. The school says he is bright, not gifted, but his teacher sees what we see and doesn't care what the tests say about his iq.

Sorry for the long post! TIA for any advice,