Y'all are so awesome! Really, I don't know what I would do without this space, because as many of you are aware, there are not many places where one can speak of such topics openly without all sorts of misplaced reactions.

I always like to jump back to one of my first lessons in working with children in foster care: always do what is in the best interests of the child. My son has worked in many environments with older children and he THRIVES. He is very much an alpha dog in almost any group (last year I recall picking him up from his accelerated computer class and he had the kids who were 3 years older than him cleaning up his mess).

Here is our family baggage which clouds things (though I may pretend that it doesn't): I wasn't skipped (I should have been), DH was skipped 4 (4!) years and it still wasn't enough. He was valedictorian in HS and college. I don't want my DS to be on the 4 year acceleration plan.

But I do need to meet him where he is at and do what's in the best interest in the child.

Keep the great advice and perspective coming. It means so much to me.