Originally Posted by somewhereonearth
My issues:
1. totally selfish - I don't want DS leaving home 1 year earlier. That's so hard for me to swallow. I know people say the child may take a gap year. But how can anyone really predict what your child is going to do in 10 years?
You have a problem now. Don't let future hypothetical problems cloud your judgement. If your child is not flourishing in school, please do your best to fix the problem for him, now.

Originally Posted by somewhereonearth
2. is my child really that capable? Basically, I am projecting imposter syndrome on my child.
You say that he did well on the IOWA scale test. I am sure that you have your answer right there!

Originally Posted by somewhereonearth
3. Will skipping a year actually reduce his accomplishments and the things that go with them (ex. scholarships), because there will be more capable kids in his new grade?
I am an adult who skipped 2 grades in elementary school. That turned out to be the best thing that happened to me.
But, my nephew who is now in 8th grade, having skipped 2 grades is having a big problem where sports are concerned. He is pretty involved in atheletics and finds that he is unable to compete with kids in his grade who are far more physically developed due to the 2 year age gap. So, you might have a problem where sports are concerned, but certainly not where academics are concerned.
Originally Posted by somewhereonearth
4. will my DS be upset about the skip when he is older?
Hard to tell, right now!

If your child vocalizes the wish that he wanted to be in an environment that challenges him, then he is ready for the skip. I would suggest that you do a single level skip now and then reevaluate your options later - that way, your son might be closer in age to the late birthday kids in the next grade and may not find the change difficult socially.