This is an interesting post. I went through a severe migraine disorder for 2 years that I am past now, but during that time, I had difficulty filtering sounds. I could hear every conversation in a room as if it were in front of me. If something is temporary it might be migraine. I also have dealt with where I can hear someone talk without a problem but I cannot understand anything that they are saying.

In general, I hate jogging, even though I have always been an athlete, because the sound of my feet hitting the pavement in that rhythm and my clothes moving, while I am not focused on something else drives me batty. Also, I too, have to generally be doing something else in order to pay attention to what someone is saying. If I am looking straight at someone, you can bet that I am totally zoned out.

My husband is an OT and he makes jokes about my sensory issues. I absolutely hate fans and anything that involves both loud music and flashing lights.

KJ, hopefully the therapy will not result in him losing the good abilities he has.