I do. I don't think I realized until I was in my 30s that this wasn't normal. Came to a head with a colleague who would try to whisper things to me in meetings, and I couldn't follow anything she said.

With enough research and looking at stuff relating to DS, I've come to think it is a question of being heavily field dependent with over-sensitivities. I kinda see everything, hear everything. Very recently here, I realized that I am also in a small minority of readers who sub-vocalize every word. I experimented with not doing that, and realized I can't keep may place and the words kinda swim around.

I think by most measures I would also be considered dysgraphic, poor automaticity with physical learning, bad with lists and schedules; on the positive end of the scale I am pretty extreme in divergent thinking, visualization, system design, and unusual problem solving. If it is a zero-sum thing, I would not change a thing. This all maps pretty well to the Dyslexic Advantage material.

Coping mechanisms I've gravitated towards include being as close to a speaker as possible, not watching the speaker (full visual field + full sound is extra noisy), doodling.