Ugh geofizz - I agree with DeeDee - the math teacher is so beyond out of line! Argh.

In the meantime, I am having to take some of my own "remember, the first week of school is crazy for everyone" advice this week... while I work to maintain my personal "zen" until school pickup today when I am going to have to go in and follow-up with ds' teachers on a class assignment given during the day yesterday. I can't go into the details even here - it is totally bringing back all those feelings of stress that take over when it feels like you have to constantly re-advocate, over and over. I sincerely hope I don't have to repeat the explanation of what dysgraphia is and how it impacts my ds *again*. These are the same teachers ds had last year - they know what ds' challenges and diagnoses and accommodations are - most of the time his teachers are great, sometimes they are clueless - sometimes understandably clueless, once in a while it feels like they are stubbornly purposely clueless. Overall it's so much better now in a middle school that is understanding than it was in elementary school where everything was a fight, but overall I'm just kinda tired. On a positive note, I see ds maturing and handling it all very well. Much better than his mom!

My apologies for turning my reply into a personal vent!

Amy, that's great your school is going to start using MAP testing! I think the ALEKS part is promising too, although I hope it doesn't replace actual live teachers in any way. I'll be interested to hear how it works out smile

Best wishes,
