Wow, geofizz. So this math teacher is now a Special Ed attorney, too?? Cool. smirk

Sounds like time to school someone about: a) stay-put provisions in IDEA procedural safeguards (so, um... you can't decide whether or not you're going to do it-- that's sort of the point!), and b) Letter to Zirkel: "reasonable" doesn't even come into it in a public school setting. It's about "necessary," "LRE" and "FAPE." In the case of an IEP, the word reasonable shouldn't even come UP, given that it isn't in the statute anywhere to start with. I understand that ADA/ADAA might be... confusing... on this point, so I can allow some leeway there (and it's why I have a PDF of Letter to Zirkel on my hard drive at all times, LOL)... but for IDEA??

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.