Dear Portia and Polar Bear,

Thank you for your responses. I've been doing a bit of homework and I think I should investigate both your suggestions.

Portia, the visual processing issue does sound possible, although I'm not sure of the testing facilities where I live.

Polar Bear, when I look at information about dysgraphia, DS11 (the one who was diagnosed with dysgraphia) checks nearly every box. Only a few aspects of most lists fit DS14, except for the following:

silverware x
buttons and zips x
shoelaces x
writing x
colouring in x
connecting the dots x
strong verbal skills x

The 'Xs' indicate those characteristics that apply. DS14 wasn't thought to have dysgraphia because he did not spell bizarrely, reverse letters, or use odd spacing and capitalization. His problem when he first began to write by hand was that his letters could hardly get off the line. They looked like unravelling hieroglypics and were almost illegible. He was also a laborious writer and he complained about having a sore hand. He still does, on occasion.

I have been looking for a list of features that must be present when diagnosing dysgraphia, but I haven't been able to find it. I think there were 3-5 features on the list, including hyperflexion and a tight grip. It would be good if someone could locate that list. Once again, DS11 displayed all those characteristics.

It's interesting that dysgraphia can be a result of DCD. DS11 was diagnosed with dyspraxia as well and received some treatment for it. His gross motor skills have also improved with swimming and piano playing. Nothing was mentioned regarding DS14 and dyspraxia. I'll see if I can track down the Beery VMI and finger tapping tests for both of them.

Thanks to both of you for your very helpful suggestions.
