Dear Portia and DMA,

Thank you for your helpful suggestions.

Portia, I hadn't thought of a visual problem, but DS does have weaknesses in that area. I'll have to look into what vision therapy entails.

DMA, my DS insists that he can hear in noisy environment and that he only has trouble hearing sometimes. But I do think he may be having trouble following multi-step instructions. What I am not sure about is whether this is due to an undiagnosed learning difficulty or to being an impatient gifted kid.

What I would love to know is how one draws a distinction between "processing issues" and a LD. I have a son with dysgraphia, who, in the past, has had far worse problems than DS, but, when I look at DS's behaviour now he is at high school, they seem to be converging.

Your responses are much appreciated.
