My DS is G with processing issues, but no apparent learning difficulty. However, he recently began high school and has been having problems that make me wonder whether he has an undiagnosed LD. I don't think he has ADHD. These problems may have become more noticeable with the extra organisational demands of high school.

DS received the following WISC-IV scores and was 12 years when he took the test.

I. VCI 153
Similarities 18
Vocabulary 19
Comprehension 19

II. PRI 117
Block Design 10
Picture Concepts 12
Matrix Reasoning 13

III. WMI 135
Digit Span 17
Letter-Number 15

IV. PSI 109
Coding 11
Symbol Search 12

He hit ceilings on 13 out of 18 subtests, in WISC, WIAT and other areas, some of which have not been given percentile scores. Neither a full scale score nor a GAI were provided, as they would have been misleading.

His brother is GLD (dysgraphia). DS had birth distress and was small for dates.

As a toddler he had many ear infections and grommets. He was bothered by loud noises and music. He still has poor singing and music skills. Sometimes he complains of not being able to hear, yet nothing has shown up on hearing tests, which makes me wonder about fluctuating hearing loss.

When he began school he had mechanical problems with handwriting, which affected his self esteem. His writing is still poor (and relatively slow), but he is not thought to be dysgraphic. His fine motor skills are also poor: he was 11 before he could tie his shoelaces. However, his gross motor skills and coordination are generally good.

At primary school he gained high marks in all subjects, but he did have issues with certain aspects of maths, especially those involving basic facts, space and measurement. At high school he is still gaining high marks, although he is having problems with instructions, accuracy and general organisation, which have undermined some of his results.

In many circumstances he thinks and acts very quickly, but not all, because it took him twice as long as it should have done to do some of the cognitive test. Most of the time his memory is impressive, but he has been forgetful recently, and he complains of having short term memory loss. It is extremely difficult to get him to organise himself.

Although DS scored very highly on Listening Skills in WISC-IV, he gained a low score for listening in class. He is slow at making transitions. He often has to get teacher to repeat instructions or he has to ask his neighbour. DS can certainly concentrate when interested, but he often has trouble staying on task.

He achieves highly in reading, spelling, and oral language and is an excellent writer, although his work riddled with *careless* errors.

The school has acknowledged that there is a statistically significant difference between his high verbal and average processing scores and it is allowing him to use a computer in the classroom or have extra time for tests. But I wonder whether there is an undiagnosed problem at play.

Any insights would be much appreciated!