Originally Posted by Melessa
I have to admit, I stayed away from the counselor last year, because ds didn't especially like her. I like her, but I'm not him.

We were posting at the same time, so I hadn't seen this reply. If your ds didn't especially like the counselor, I wouldn't send him to see her. He's already anxious about school, so I wouldn't want to add stress. It's also unlikely the counselor would be able to help him much or obtain any understanding of what was causing him anxiety if he doesn't like her.

That's just my 2 cents based on having been through a few counselors with my own ds - ymmv!

Best wishes,


ps - fwiw, with my ds - each time we felt that working with a counselor would be helpful for my ds in reducing anxiety, we found instead that what really helped was changing out what was causing the anxiety to begin with rather than having ds talk to a counselor. I'm not saying that counselors aren't helpful or that the time wouldn't be well spent, just that in our ds' situation, he needed help with the actual situation that was causing the stress, not just a way to cope with the anxiety that resulted from the stress.

Last edited by polarbear; 08/21/13 10:41 AM.