Last night DD5 was reading aloud to me (doesn't happen that often) and I noticed again that he makes occasional word substitutions or additions or may transpose or skip a word. They're always small, unimportant words and it still makes perfect sense, but technically speaking, they are errors. For example, he might say, "The children were going to go into this house to find OUT what was inside," when the text reads, "The children were going to go into THE house to FIND what was inside." (That's not a great example. I feel like his changes are even smaller. But something like that.)

He is incredibly fluent and reads aloud at adult speed, with beautiful expression and very, very few word recognition errors until we get into books at a pretty high level. However, he does make these small mistakes and they are not infrequent. I think it may be a result of reading fast and skimming ahead as he reads, but I don't know.

#1--No cause for concern, right?
#2--Is he going to get marked way down on those reading level tests they do because of this?

I have been encouraging him to read a little more slowly and carefully, but that's kind of like telling the wind not to blow.