Deutsche Welle also has some resources for learning German. We've used those as supporting materials.

I'm also feeling somewhat guilty that I caused this to happen by purchasing my very amused DD her very own copy of Der Regenbogenfische the other day. Murphy's law and Irish ancestry, darnit.

I suppose that if she did the Mizzou course, being self-paced means that she COULD, in theory, compress this second year into a third, even. Using her mad PG learning Skilz, I mean. (I'm thinking that isn't a huge stretch for her, actually.)

That would be a positive thing.

ETA: Update from the school is that students who had PREVIOUSLY completed German and are seniors will be permitted to take this class this year. My guess is that means that they'll be hiring someone who will "teach" about four hours a week, which isn't necessarily good news either.

But at least it should put it on her transcript. Might still look into Mizzou's offerings which look higher quality.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.