Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
And yes, I've had both of those conversations with my DD-- before she was 8, in fact. I also got to explain what "rape" was to my then-5-yo when she read it on a helpline sticker on the back of a bathroom stall at the Uni where I was working. "Being forced to have sex when you don't want to" was fine as an explanation, by the way-- and it led to a good conversation about giving others permission or not to touch you or do other things to you. Boundaries, that kind of thing. So all in all, while it's not a topic I'd have chosen, it was fine as the basis of an age-and-development-appropriate conversation.

I've turned off news stories that I knew would lead to questions about rape. He's sensitive to people being mean.

Perhaps we've both been "helicopter parents". DS has been sheltered from a lot of things like abortion, rape, and just until recently, murder. He saw on the news something about a murder last week and asked what that word meant.

I so want him to be an innocent child for as long as possible!

Side note: DS is circling his "wishes" in a catalog for Santa to bring. I think this may be his last year. frown