Wren, I envy you your situation. From your posts across the boards, it seems like you have the access and opportunity to really meet the needs of your daughter in a truly wonderful way.

Our situation is not quite as rosy and our experience with Montessori actually entered the realm of child abuse according to my son's Psychiatrist. In our case, the teacher/owner of the school took AWAY all the challenging work that DS was completing error free because his handwriting did not meet her expectations and he he began making errors on simple math computation. As a side note, DS did not make the same simple math errors before she refused to allow him to progress in the more challenging math work. (he was working 2 workbooks ahead in the challenge problems than his drill work) At that point she moved him back more in the curriculm telling him that he was actually a very stupid child and his behavior went downhill fast. As his behavior slid, she took away all privaleges including recess and did not allow any of the other children to interact with him in any way (shunning). We did get him out of that environment once we finally figured out what was going on.

To be brief this past year has been a rebuilding year and DS has made amazing progress in a school environment that while still not ideal has become his cheering section. He has rediscoverd his love of learning and I credit his teacher with really getting him and making the difference.

I have to agree with Kriston's moral of the story and also wish that it were easier smile

Last edited by elh0706; 05/19/08 10:15 AM.