Originally Posted by ultramarina
So there is no genetic test for EDS? I am wondering if we should get DS evaluated for this. He was diagnosed with benign congenital hypotonia as a baby and is still hypermobile. He also has GERD. I am not aware of any other problems, though he seems to tire more easily than other children (he also has asthma, though). He is only 5 so writing isn't a big part of his life yet, but I don't see any issues with it. One thing we do notice with him is that he drops things a lot--cups, forks, food, pencils, whatever. It's like he can't maintain a hand grip very well.

I would say you should get him evaluated for it... Hypermobile joints are the hallmark. Also the gerd and his tiring easily, the loose joints cause problems with hand strength. It's better to know b/c you can deal with thigs better and prevent things and monitor things.