Thanks, DeeDee!! Yes, we did find a good place for her--but it was a very nervous-making time, as the horrid reviews from those particular teachers put other schools off, and we were just very lucky to be able to go back to DD's previous school for 4th grade, with a wonderful teacher who is very patient and kind. We have at least next year with this teacher, thank goodness, but this school ends after 6th grade so we will have to find another place for DD and I'm not looking forward to that. And the schools that are available seem to focus either on academics (with I don't know how much acceptance of social issues) or more artsy/social/small class schools (sorry--can't think of a good word for them--one is a Friends school) that might be better for her socially but I'm worried that she would really miss out on developing academically, which I think will ultimately be her true strength and something we should not neglect. Or I guess as a last resort we might homeschool for 7th and 8th because I think the high schools are better. At least we had a year of a good school situation to let DD grow and be happy, before we have to think about preparing for battle again wink

(Sorry OP to be heading more OT)