Originally Posted by dajohnson60
It shocks me as a parent to have a child who is not even 6 yet making comments that he no longer needs to go to school as he already knows everything they teach there.
Yes, it is shocking for the age, isn't it! This is exactly what DD6 said all throughout K last year (she was 5 then; early entry like your son). At least 3 times a week she'd say, "I already know everything in Kindergarten." When she started 1st grade this year, same thing. On the second day she came home and said, "I think I'm ready for second grade now. I already know everything in first grade." She made a similar comment every day, until we switched schools and she got a teacher willing to challenge her.

Originally Posted by dajohnson60
I think he uses it primariy as a social outlet and puts up with the academics!
I have no doubt this is true. Before DD switched schools, she said the only things she liked about first grade were: recess, lunch, art, music, and on Fridays when they got to read TIME Magazine for Kids. She liked the TIME Magazine time "because we get to answer questions about what we read." Oh, and she liked the book the teacher was reading aloud to them--James and the Giant Peach. She said that would be the ONLY reason to stay at the old school--to find out how the story ended. (I assured her we would get the book and read it together, and we did.) :-)

I also found it interesting that, at the old school, her "best friend" was the most hyper, disruptive, troublesome girl in the class. When I visited the classroom I realized why: because that girl was the most exciting thing in the room! That's how bored DD was. At the new school, DD has a nice variety of friends--she really likes everyone in the class, and is not gravitating toward the most "disruptive" kids.