1 - it's all about the teacher. IMHO - you teacher has already shown where her alligiance lies. If you can find a 2nd grade teacher who might have a better attitude, then send a note demanding an immediate grade skip.

2 - you can not afford to wait until your child becomes a behavioral problem. Those patterns are layed down in that little brain for life. Don't do it. I believe that it is dangerous.

3 - What are your alternatives? Start exploring now. Are there other public school you can send your son too? It's true that some of the folks here have gotten wonderful results from the public school. I never did and I tried and tried for 2 years. Find your local Homeschool grapevine, check out the private schools. Talk to your relatives. I know that some people just "have" to send their kid to public school - ok if you just have to - we'll show you how to make the best of it - but take a good hard look at your own situation.

4 - If you bring him home, temporarily or permanently, see if you can teach him to keyboard with correct finger positions. Once he can express his ideas on a keyboard, all kinds of things open up. "Read, Write, Type" or "Mavis Beacon" are 2 of my favorites.

Best Wishes,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com