We do lots of outside stuff, fishing, beach combing, exploring the tundra, lots of library time, kindle....but we don't have any stores so anything I buy we have to order and ship in so that limits us. There are no classes or enrichment opportunities for that we could spend money on here, so I have to say that I guess that isn't a necessity for a pg child as dd is quite happy with the opportunities she has....(dissecting a ducks stomach that she got while hunting with dad or examining salmon hearts after fishing and comparing them to human hearts) I have found the best thing for a PG child is creativity, finding the experience in the everyday. Learn all about the local plants and there medicinal purposes (only takes a book on local flora and fauna from the library, an indepth study of the local environment, a few phone calls to different places (here we have done field trips one on one with fish processors, trawlers, and a coast gaurd cutter, and I am aiming for the water treatment plant next year and hooking dd up with a mentor from the local clinic.) all things that are free but great extras for a pg kid. Hope that helps.

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.