Originally Posted by Melessa
Zen scanner- I just saw your ps. The eval IS covered by insurance for VT. Might be worth having the second opinion. I say this because the pedi ophthalmologist ds saw said "mild convergence insufficiency-do this 1 exercise". I would have never known and would have been working on hand strength and function, when I really believe that's not the problem. Also, I'd be wondering why my 1 exercise Isn't helping. (Hope that helps.)

Thanks, appreciate that. After patching (opthamologist's solution) for nine months, DS7 definitely had improvements (8 months since patching ended), but handwriting has been slow to change, and he still skips words in reading and has trouble hunting for things. The internal debate being: is he just delayed and catching up, has he over-learned wrong habits, or is there something incompletely fixed.