Zen Scanner- that's what I'm thinking. Ds may not need/ have fine motor issues once he can see. So, I'm hoping with vision therapy, handwriting may improve. If it doesn't, get OT involved.

HappilyMom- VT in office sessions are 45 min, once a week for now. Will get a packet of at-home exercises next week. Optometrist hopes 16 sessions secondary to age (less years of bad coping techniques to unlearn), but we'll see. Yes, keep me posted!! Would love to hear. Optometrist said she wanted to see how much she could challenge ds's eye; not at all- no stamina, kept tearing and looking away. Poor guy:(

I know I'm jumping ahead, but I'm starting to wonder if ds will need a 504 or iep for next year- at least until VT is completed.