Reading aloud followed by retelling sounds like a goofy test to me, maybe because I wouldn't be able to do it myself. My memory for a story absolutely depends on me visualizing it, then my narrative is quite complete (just don't ask for character names.)

I'm with Portia that there are so many other measures.

I'd be looking to narrow it down to just what contrast between what he does himself vs. this specific measure isn't working.

Some possibilities:
The material is so easy he can't engage with it.
He is so visually oriented such that reading aloud conflicts with his ability to store the information. Or speech takes an inordinate amount of concentration.
He is very factually oriented and actually doesn't have a good sense of narrative or storytelling.

So, casual contrasting tests:
Can he read aloud in a subject of interest and retell the content?
Can he read a piece to himself then retell it?
Can he read a piece to himself and then write out the content?
Can he name the parts of a story?
Can he generate a complex story himself (on any subject he likes) structured as a story with a main character?

(p.s. apparently I write slowly slow response too; as two more popped in as I was typing this.)

Last edited by Zen Scanner; 05/22/13 10:27 AM.