That sounds just like my DS6. He researches and makes books, too. I find it hard to get him to read anything that isn't a reference book. However, lately he has really enjoyed reading Roald Dahl books.

His reading level is high at school, but not as high as it should be. I am told by his teacher that he takes a long time to retell, and doesn't seem to comprehend the story. Whereas at home he has no problem retelling anything, and clearly understands the text since he writes a summary in his "book".

My son was starting to not want to read at all, so I asked his teacher if it would be okay if he just reads his own books for homework, and her choice at school and progress to the next level at a slower rate; this has helped my son feel less pressure to force-read boring stuff all the time. I also found it helpful to pick books that have relatable characters, or some grown up silliness.