My own high school math teacher:

"{DD} would have a B in the class if her attendance grades were passing."

When my mother (recall, also a teacher) pressed for an explanation of the low subjective grading marks...

"Well, I just... don't LIKE {dd} very much. I suspect that the feeling is mutual, however."

(Really?? I was fifteen. years. old, and this guy had control over my grade-- and, because of my STEM interests, my future... I didn't come to class because he obviously loathed me and made it his mission to make me an object of shame and ridicule... and then he dinged me for not showing up... and yet I was still handily passing his stupid class.... This is the one time that my mother was actually dumbfounded and didn't blame ME for a school problem of some kind, so it was kind of worth it, even if he was the only one teaching advanced trig or calculus at my high school... )

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.