My all-time favorites from the folks who didn't get it:

Kindergarten teacher: "You just think he's smart because he sounds smart when he talks."

School psych: "Any child who can write their name at 5 can score at the 99.9th percentile on the WJ-III Cognitive test." Ironically, my ds is dysgraphic and had no idea how to write his name when he took the test... so I guess even 5 year olds who can't write their names can score at the 99.9th percentile.. but wait! Wouldn't that mean that all 5 year olds are at the 99.9th percentile???? Which leads to my next all-time favorite quote, from the head of the committee that chose the elementary math curriculum at my children's early elementary school:

"Then when I was 24 and I was shopping one day.... I finally *finally* got it - fractions made sense!"


And the all-time classic from one of ds' gifted teacher's who actually did get it, and was trying to discourage me from sending him to private school:

"Don't worry too much about where he goes to middle school. He's going to be bored anywhere he goes."

Yep, great. That pretty much sealed my decision not to keep him in our public school district...
