Originally Posted by doubtfulguest
Originally Posted by QT3.1414
Do any of you ever get the sense that professors/co workers/teachers/etc. view you as being "pretentious" or "rude" if you attempt to expound upon previously conducted work or ask for harder assignments?

i've got a pack of (not so) hilarious stories, but my favourite one is from a university paper. the sole comment was: "too many short cuts. though the argument is sound and elegantly expressed, at this level the expectation is for students to define terms, rather than employ them. C-"


The final for my college speech class was a persuasive speech. I went last. After being treated to a variety of hopelessly dull subjects (one topic was "Why you should join the Navy"... the class was offered on board a navy ship), I presented, "Why you should help me take over the world." I went through a series of prepared arguments on how I would transform the world into a better place, then shifted into how the audience members would personally benefit by getting in on the ground floor. This included some ad-libbing, calling on individual classmates, asking them what they wanted most in the world, and telling them how, as World Emperor, I would fulfill their wishes beyond their wildest dreams.

The stated purpose of the class in the syllabus was to teach confidence and effectiveness in public speaking, and based on the reaction, I exceeded expectations. The audience loved it.

Well, all but one member.

The professor gave me a C, because, "You didn't take the assignment seriously enough." And because it was the final, that dropped my grade to a B.