Skipping down to the end of your post. Yes, I do believe DYS would be beneficial in your case. I would be more inclined to test your DS to see if he qualifies in your situation because I think what you are asking for is a lot for a public school. Because he needs a lot. You would basically need a lot of individualized instruction. It is likely that the teachers and administrators are not going to be quick to offer a free private tutor to your DS. And, they may argue that that is what you are asking for when the kindergarten teacher needs to take time from the class to help your DS on his computer or book report or whatever. They may also argue that he needs to be instructed with the class for non-academic reasons. You just never know. You may need to bring in the big guns.

Maybe I have heard too many horror stories here.

It just depends on the K class. How many kids? How many teachers? Is there a reading specialist? How much focus on reading and math? How long is the day? Is there a lot of free play time? recess? art and other specials?

I think I have already told you what we are expecting from K. We specifically sought out a school that was not explicitly teaching reading in kindergarten (truthfully, because most kids are coming in reading or will learn on their own), offered a lot of differentiation, and appeared really fun. We passed on the more academic private school because I did not want to have to battle the school on what the proper academic level was for DD. I am hoping to put that off for a few more years at current school. The school gets quite academic by middle school, and the students are quite high achieving.

Maybe summer will help him de-school a bit. What will he be doing this summer? If he was a happy guy, then I would not worry.