I was discussing DS5 with my mom and she asked me what I wanted the teacher to do with him next year in K. I am a realist and I don't expect a lot of teacher time devoted to his very asynchronous needs. I just want him not to have to sit through letter of the week, the fat cat sat on the mat, and how to count 10 beans. The teacher will be dealing with a very wide range of abilities. They talk a big game re differentiation. However, he is reading Narnia, the Moomin series, etc on his own for an hour+ at a time.

So what am I really asking for here?

1. I'm thinking that I would like him to be able to opt out of phonics lessons and read solo. Maybe write a few little very simple book reports? Take those AR quizzes on the computer if the school has access? (I don't know if they do. DD has never done this and she attends the same school.)

2. Math...he doesn't really know money and time. He is solid on facts to 20 (addition/subtraction) and also knows a lot of his times tables and division. He can add two-digit numbers in his head. His sister taught him simple adding and subtracting with carrying at some point, but I have not reinforced this and he's likely forgotten it. He can count by 2s, 3s, 4s, 10s, whatevers, about as high as you'd like him to. He understands very high place value due to obsessive reading of high-level ocean nonfiction. I find that it is very hard to find math workbooks that work for him, but something late 1st/early 2nd is sort of right (but at the same time too slow and repetitive). So should I ask for worksheets like this? Computerized work? What sites? They may not have computers in the K classroom itself. frown They do have a school lab. Has anyone sent in an Ipad or something? That's nuts, I guess.

3. Writing at K/1 level is fine.

HE IS VERY FRUSTRATED with preschool and complains daily about not learning anything, not being taught anything, it being too easy, etc. I am extremely concerned about him escalating to outright school refusal. If I have to, I will pull him out next year, but this might jeopardize his chances of getting into the GT magnet--starts in 2nd grade--which is pretty much our only lifeline.

So I need a plan. I want to make it easy for the school. I am not very good at getting what I want from authority. It would be better if I came with stuff on offer and concrete ideas. What we have going for us here is 1) his older sister is at the magnet at the same school and is a high achiever there and 2) DS is not at all shy with his abilities and is likely to be very obvious.

ETA: I have considered having him tested just to see if there is a chance he is DYS level and they could help us. His sister scored significantly below that standard, although I am not positive her score is accurate (even if not, though, I do not think she is DYS). He appears somewhat more gifted but it's awfully hard for me to say. Would DYS be of enough help in this situation for it to be worth the considerable expense? The schools will test him at the end of K.