Originally Posted by Melessa
Mom2one- I am no expert, but I think that a child can be gifted AND have issues with writing output.

Oh yes.

DD was significantly ahead in receptive language and reading, as well as math, fine motor... omgosh, the list goes on. It seemed like there was nothing she couldn't do that was really ahead of her peers (except for the fact that she spoke late).

Anyhoo. She wrote her first book at four. Awesome, right? She cut the pages, lined them up, stapled them together, drew the illustrations and then wrote all the text. Everything was advanced... except for her written output.

She wrote one sentence per page (which is still good fine motor for four), but the thing was her choice of words: "when you want a cat" ...was page one. Then page two read: "you get a cat." Page 3: "you ask mom and dad" page 4: "for a cat"

At the time I still thought it was neat, because what typical four year old does that... until I looked at it again more critically and realized that the language use, choice of words, was below age level. In contrast with her other above age level skills, this was quite a deficit.

Sure enough, now in grade 5, the issue still plagues her. She struggles to express herself in writing. (My DS has the same issue).

Last edited by CCN; 05/10/13 01:04 PM.