Originally Posted by Xiangbaobao
I talked with a gifted progam coordinator in a public school who is supposed to be extremely experienced in gifted children. The program that she is in charge of is on top of the nation. I mentioned to her about a research paper done in 80s that describe the correlation between the group IQ test like Cogat and individual IQ test like WISC. The result is that the correlation between two only exists among the ordinary people. That makes sense for them to use Cogat in general population. However in the gifted population, the correlation starts to disappear. Furthermore, the negative correlation even shows up in about 30% of cases. This means that the higher IQ the lower Cogat. To my surprise she never heard of it.
Do you have a link to that study? I'm not questioning it at all, but would be interested to read it. I know that Hoagies has mentioned a study like that on the OLSAT, but I hadn't heard the same for the CogAT.

Like I said earlier, our one CogAT experience was not great (plus it was done in a classroom with more than 30 kids, parents walking in and out and talking, and the teacher telling them to just guess and finish if they were running out of time, and a kid with ADD, so it probably would have been bad news either way regardless of the test...). We just wound up having to pay to have dd retested on IQ b/c the CogAT was deemed to show that the first IQ test was due to good guessing. When the second set of IQ testing on three separate measures still showed a HG kid, they quietly backed away from that assertion.