Interesting question. Not so much of a high achiever family here. DH was adopted and his sisters were pretty much work really hard to get a C and B students. We get disdain from one sister and it has strained our relationship for sure. We don't really talk at all about DD. She flat out said when we went to eat with the whole family and DD was 2 and picked up the menu and read and ordered what she wanted "well I would rather have an average kid over a gifted kid anyday." She would say disparaging remarks about dd in front of her, and told me the only reason DD knew the things she did was "because you answer her questions." Well, yes I do, it's called be a parent. Now we live across the country from DH's relatives and haven't seen his sisters in almost 3 years. I can't imagine dealing with it all the time.

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.