My ds did this from an early age (still does but it's less obvious now that he's older)... like HK, I have always felt it was most likely due to getting his vocabulary through reading way-ahead-of-age-peers-level books. Also perhaps from listening to NPR lol!

It's not something I'd worry about unless you're seeing other things that you're worried about...

Best wishes,


ps - fwiw, my ds has had WISC testing twice, and his VCI vs PIQ has flip-flopped (one higher, one lower). What has been consistent over time are his scores on achievement tests that measure verbal-related skills - those are consistently sky high. With just one WISC and a very high FSIQ, I'd wonder if your dd's VCI score is really an accurate reflection of her abilities, or if something wasn't clicking for her during the test that had nothing to do with what was being tested. Were her VCI subtest scores all similar or were there discrpancies?