DS4.5 does this all the time. He hears a word ... he remembers it ... he uses it. He doesn't read yet but absorbs any word anywhere. As much as I keep the boys giftedness fairly hidden from our friends and everyone, I do sometimes post the stuff he says on FB for our friends to see and they all love it. None of my posts ever get so many likes like the stuff that comes out of his mouth. The child who didn't start speaking till he was almost 3 went from nothing to just the other extreme. I really wonder how he'll do once we have him tested some day. If it will show in his scores or if it's just a thing he does for everyone's amusement, including himself?

when I hear him say something unusual I ask if he knows what it means and he always give me some great definition or another word or five to substitute. So he clearly does have those words in his vocab.