In the early grades this would have caused my DS14 exactly the same problem. My son would have refused to even read the book a second time. Luckily he didn't had to do this at this grade. He took online assessments that he did quite well with. I suspect you need to sit down with the teacher and see if there is some other way this can be handled than orally. While there is something important is learning how to give information verbally, this can for many children be a problem. And the teachers are confusing two skills, reading comprehension with oral skills.

In grades 4-6 (in a gifted class) my son was expected to do "oral" book reviews 6 times a year. (to a volunteer parent) He had a chance to prepare them. The first year these were quite a challenge for him. But this wasn't the main method of assessing his reading. And more an exercise to encourage more fun reading and practice his oral skills.

Good Luck.

P.S. Edited to add. My DD14 has always had problems "telling" or writing when he has nothing to say. First day of his gifted 4th grade class, teacher asked the kids to write to a prompt. He wrote one sentence. He had nothing to say. Teacher was very concerned because everyone else wrote pages. It took a lot of work and some maturity to get over that hump.

Last edited by bluemagic; 04/21/13 10:45 PM.