Ds5 very much does/did this. So when we would read books together, I'd ask what happened at the end of each chapter, and one sentence would be good enough. With shorter/simpler books he struggled more, as often not much really happens in them. Now that he reads long chapter books on his own, he does book reports on each one (typed- and his own idea at first). I feel happy to get one to three sentences. At first I had him take online multiple choice tests to really test his comprehension. I was worried he wasn't reading because he read so fast. But he always aced the quiz. So I agree with Portia, retell and recall are two separate skills, and both need to be developed. Just keep at it slowly and model how it should be done. We sometimes read a book he already read, then give him our book report on it. Or if he is struggling...don't feel like it is cheating to read a book with him then summarize the book for him. Skills like this need to be modeled before they can be learned. If he has never heard a synopsis of a book before, he hasn't seen how to pull out the key pieces.