I am glad you and some other parents talked about it and glad the school somewhat is willing to work something with it .

Ours don't change anything with their consequences a day later . Well 1 thing change , since i bring up the running laps would be better than sitting on the wall doing nothing for 30 minutes and losing recess . The school now is making DS runs if he talks during that 5 minutes silent lunch .

I agree with what you said it is ridiculous for punishing these kids for the next 3 days no talking whatsoever . Don't these people talk at all during dinner time with their family ? Isn't this another way to learn to socialize ?

I still think kids need to learn their responsibility , in this case , they need to learn to eat their lunch . Consequences if they missed their lunch due to talking = they will get hungry = tummy hurts and hopefully they will eventually learn . This is what i really don't get .. it's like kids with peanut allergy and the school banned peanut butter for it . Why don't we teach out kids that they should be responsible for it because it is their own body . We need to teach them how to handle it . Not stopping everyone else to bring peanut butter sandwich for lunch just because few children are allergic to it . It's the same with eating lunch , just because some children talk a lot and tend to forget to eat their lunch , doesn't mean they need to punish everyone else who talks and eats their lunch just fine . We can't always be there for our children , eventually they will need to learn how to tend for themselves and this is one of them . Some kids need to learn the hard way .

My DS was always like that , he doesn't care for meals , why bother to eat if he can talk , he'd rather talk , talk and talk . I was worried when he started kindergarten what if he's not eating his lunch , and not to mention how slow he eats his meal too . 1 sandwich could take up to an hour . But i guess he learned on his own if he didn't eat his lunch he'd be hungry until 4 pm !!

It is hard enough for DS to be quiet for that last 5 minute silent lunch i couldn't imagine being silent for the whole lunch time . Seriously ..