How old is your dd? Just curious - that might make a difference in how I'd view the reading score on the ITBS. The ITBS is an achievement test, and if your dd is very young her scores might be mixed in with kids who haven't really been exposed to reading instruction yet, therefore they might be higher (percentage wise compared to grade peers) than they will be later on in school.

I'm wondering why you asked right away about if it might indicate an LD? Have you seen other signs that have made you wonder? I think most parents would see the scatter in scores and first think... hmm... why did this one test come out so different... and not necessarily leap to a question about LDs... if they didn't have something else already that they were questioning.

Lastly, her vision could most definitely have been an issue! And I would question and want to know more details about the tests and testing scenarios so I could try to understand the scatter in her scores. The first thing I'd do would be to look up descriptions of each tests' subtests - what type of questions are asked, is the question read to the student or does the student have to read the question, is the answer multiple choice, does the student answer orally or with handwriting etc... those types of questions. Look for any patterns, and in your dd's case, spefically look for things that are tied to vision.

I will also add - I'm not a huge fan of the CogAT. There are a number of us here who've had HG/EG/PG kiddos test not so "gifted" on the CogAT. The CogAT is a "learned ability" test - unlike an IQ test (WISC etc) it is not measuring innate ability, but rather ability based on past learning/exposure. The expected "correct" answers leave no room for creative outside-the-box thinking kids. BUT - my experience is only with the verbal portion; my kids haven't taken the non-verbal.

Best wishes,
