I need to come up with a list of accommodations for her 504 plan. DD wants a scribe, but I know the district will not allow that. I'm sure we can get a word processer and spell check; however, dd doesn't spell well enough to get close enough to the right word or to choose it. I've asked for an assistive tech evaluation, but nobody in the school system (including the 504 coordinator) seems to know what kinds of software asssistive tech has available. I'm hoping whoever does the evaluation knows what he's doing. We have tried the voice recognition software that is in Windows, but it's pretty frustrating for her.

I don't want to ask for more time to complete work because dd's teacher says she's always the first one done and she refuses to review her work. I think she needs reduced volume of work.

other things I think would be helpful:

-Do not count spelling off for spelling except on spelling tests.
-Copies of notes provided

Any other ideas?