Originally Posted by moomin
In the end, the major problem is that my daughter has been so disruptive, and is so resistant to group play with same age peers that many of them have given up on her.

oh, that's so tricky, and so sad. but... i wonder if this might be a small clue that it might not be (generalized) social anxiety, but rather anxiety about specific social situations? it's clearly super-debilitating for her to feel so isolated, but also kind of understandable given her bad experiences with the other kids.

i know it's free-play time that's the problem, but maybe the teacher could try implementing recess friendship pairs for a short period of time as an experiment? if it was done thoughtfully, it might expose her to kids she would mesh better with, and it might give her more of a sense of belonging? if it wasn't a total disaster, the teacher could gradually try adding a third/fourth/etc person to form slightly larger groups? they could even use these groups to examine math concepts if they were really thinking about it (ha - although that kind of thinking is what gets me in so much trouble at our school!)

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.