Thanks everyone. This site is a godsend. Just a few months ago I wasn't even sure that I was going to have my son tested. Within that time, things have changed drastically. He is so disgusted, so quickly with many aspects of school. I am so glad that I was able to get him tested to see what we're dealing with intellectually and why he is unhappy.

He is really opening up to me lately. Tonight he asked if he could just take a peek at second grade see if it's more interesting. (We actually haven't told him about the assessments that he's already taken. The teacher just asked him to do it and he did it no questions asked!) I finally"opened up" and told him that he already knows second grade math. He was shocked. Then he asked if he could see third grade math. I told him that I would talk to his teacher. He was so thrilled, like I haven't seen in a while, regarding school.

Should I tell him that we are working on accelerating him? I think it would really make him feel better. I told him to ask his teacher for harder work, but he said that he felt "embarrassed".