crisc what a great story!! I can just imagine those little brain gears turning with all the food labeling! My DS5 loves the game monopoly - not the child version, but the real one...he is ruthless! He is fascinated with the various costs/rent/fees with the different properties and how much each one costs depending on the number of houses/hotels on I came home the other day from shopping to find him and my husband side by side on their tummys with their feet up in the air furiously writing on a chart tablet...I looked over and laughed to see that my son was one by one, reading off the rent, and the various charges depending on 1, 2, 3, 4 houses...for each property as my husband wrote each item down on his chart paper....then when they finished, my son proceeded to come up with his own set of properties and names and their rent/charges and then he compared how each were more/less (shmuzzy lane cost $1,345,564 if you landed on it when it had a hotel) :-) ...he carried that silly paper around with him all afternoon and kept asking me if I wanted to know a certain charge for a particular property :-) but this is the 2e child who can't seem to score a proper score on an IQ test!