Thanks so much for the comments, sometimes I feel a bit alone because we don't know anyone else that has a child anything like our DS so I am always wondering am I doing the right thing??? - love the punctuation story!! His newest giggles - he has figured out that there are words that sound the same but are spelled differently (homophones)and he giggles everytime he figures out a new one and he's fascinated with palindromes for some reason...we were driving through the neighborhood the other day and he yelled out, "Mommy look, a palindrome - and he pointed to the house number 4114.
New friends that don't know us or my son very well just kind of look at us like we are really strange when they come to visit and see his room/play room/hallway between the 2...and I was worried that maybe I shouldn't be letting him have free reign with his "obsession". He is very visual and has a severe comfort level with chart systems (really helps his sensory disorder as well) - at one point, at his request, we had chart/graphs everywhere... for how many chores he has done in the week (his newest chart), how many books he read on his own, how many times he went potty by himself with no help (when he was 3-4), the levels of rain in his rain gauge...and he loves seeing the patterns on the charts as they change - which has more, less... I introduced him to the local teacher's store a few weeks ago and you would have thought he was in a toy shop - he had to have every thing he saw...I allowed him to get a multiplication chart and yet another solar system chart (he was excited to find one that had Ceres and Eris on it)...the two weird ones that he wanted to make in the last few weeks just baffled me but I just went along with of his chores he can do is help me load the washing machine and start it...he has been fascinated with learning about the cycles on the machine and how to work the controls to choose the he had me help him make a duplicate drawing of the knob controls on the machine and attach an arrow with a metal brad so he could turn the arrow to the right setting he wanted, he then taped this up near his play kitchen area and proceded to play his own devised game using the control panel he made....he did the same thing when we went to the local car wash and he helped with the dial pad system on the wall that allows you to change between washing cycles as you're cleaning the car...he made a duplicate and taped it up in the garage and proceeded to set up his own car wash scenario.
His collections are also starting to take over (glad that he has his own room and he has a play room)...he fell in love with coin collecting when he found out that there were quarters out from each state and we found a huge chidren's coin collecting book at the store so for over a year now it has been a love of his and we have now moved onto coin books for all the coins and he looks forward to going to the monthly coin show we have in town to add to his collection (again, the looks of bewilderment from people as this little 5 year old walks in with his lists of specific years he is looking for)...and now we are onto collections of maps, rocks, and for some strange reason...buttons???!!! I guess I just along for the ride and need to get over my worries about what others will think!!!

Last edited by Belle; 05/02/08 10:56 AM.