Originally Posted by ColinsMum
Have a look at some past tests, but the maths content of the SAT is truly paltry. For geometry I don't remember anything beyond "angles of a triangle add to 180 degrees" ever being required. As a repeated test of progress, it's surely worthless; it's a speed and accuracy test. If SET gives someone something they want, then sure; but tbh, it's a bit "do you want to be a member of a club for which that's the entry test?". Maybe 700 on the SAT once meant being exceptionally talented, but I don't believe it does now; it means being fast and accurate with easy questions, and don't they get enough of that in school?

ColinsMum, revealing her cynicism ;-)

ETA Here is a thread I made when my DS was 7 and this briefly seemed like a good idea.

According to http://research.collegeboard.org/programs/sat/data/equivalence/sat-individual
a 700 on the current SAT math is equivalent to a 710 on the older SAT math. The College Board is saying that it has not become easier to get a 700.