Acs, in our school the teacher would phone the office and they would send an adult to escort the child. Sick children should never be sent to the office alone--huge liability! What if she collapsed on the way there or something? With the older kids, another student accompanies the sick student to the office.

I understand what you're saying, that the teachers come to rely on the GT kids in their classrooms as helpers. And that's not always a bad thing.

As a kid I enjoyed being the helper and having special privileges. I'm sure it did not help me fit in, though (I didn't fit in at all). But I also remember feeling shortchanged at times because the teacher spent very little time actually teaching ME anything. And that was just the benign neglect type of teacher...the malicious teacher was a completely different scenario.

Last edited by Cathy A; 05/03/08 09:08 AM.