Originally Posted by Dottie
3. Kids are more "mini-adults" and like DS, could be helping with grading/etc. Honestly....PG or not, how many teachers are going to give that responsibility to a 1st grader? It's pretty amazing that they are allowing DS (chrono 3rd), but they see him as a 5th grader.

I don't know about that Dottie. Two days after telling me son needed to be accepted by the other kids and needed to "fit in", teacher left him in charge of the classroom while she took two of the kids to the principal's office for misbehaviour. He had to write down names of kids who acted up while she was gone. Not just on paper at his desk, no, he had to go from his desk (back of room) to the front of the room and write the names on the whiteboard. Yea, that'll help him fit in. Errgh (oops, another vent, carry on).